The Church Council:
*shall act for the Church and shall be vested with such powers and exercise such powers for and on behalf of the Church, *is in charge of the overall policy setting function of the Church, *plan long-range objectives, visualize and coordinate the entire task of the Church, give general direction to its activities, and guide in the formulation and execution of an effective program, *govern relations between all Boards and Committees and shall act to coordinate their functions, *be responsible for all Capital Fund purchases, *meet monthly, unless deemed necessary to meet more/less often.
The Board of Christian Education:
*shall be charged with all the Christian Education endeavors of the Church including, but not limited to:
1. Sunday School and the appointment of the Superintendent and teachers,
2. School time release programs (week-day religious education),
3. Vacation Bible School,
4. Extra-Curricular Christian Education Programs.
The Board of Deacons:
*shall be responsible for all spiritual aspects of the Church's life, including the reception, participation and termination of members, *assist in conducting worship services, *the preparing and administering the sacrament, *providing temporary supply of the pulpit, and *visiting the sick and shut-ins, *shall make a bi-annual survey of the Church rolls and submit recommendations to the Church at the Annual Meeting regarding necessary provisions.
The Board of Trustees:
*shall be vested with the title to any and all real property of the Church to include the sanctuary, dining hall, all rental dwellings and cemetery, but any changes, additions or deletions to capital improvements thereon must first be approved by the Church Council, *the holder and administrator of all vested funds of the Church and shall have responsibility of investing and/or re-investing in accordance with the action of general membership, *shall be responsible for the protection of all Church real property and shall secure proper and adequate insurance thereon, *shall request to the Treasurer for the payment of all dues, taxes and assessments levied against said real property, *may request money from the congregation for the purpose of protecting the interest of the church, *shall be responsible for all needed repairs and improvements to any of the Church property.