Every Sunday at 10:00 am HST
In-person, on-site
Covid-19 restrictions
Every Thursday at 5:30 PM
Via Zoom
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Learn-at-home packets mailed to children every two months
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Worship follows ancient Christian patterns, yet is situated firmly in Hawaiian traditions. Hymns, anthems, and prayers are in Hawaiian and English. Scripture is read in Hawaiian; the sermon in English. Worship is fun and easy-going, although serious concerns of compassion, fairness, and personal relation with God are addressed.
Without Christian Education, the church could die out in one generation. Recent and high-quality academic research shows that young people will come to church, and stay in church if they are involved in many inter-generational ways. Education does not necessarily happen only in classrooms, but in everyday interactions and church activities of all kinds with all ages.
Ministry and mission go hand-in-hand with worship and education. The imperative is deceptively simple, but not simplistic. The bottom line:
"Love the Lord with all of your heart, all of your mind, and all of your soul. And love your neighbor as yourself."
In 1820, when two Protestant missionary families arrived in Waimea, Queen Deborah Kapule was the wife of King Kaumualiʻi, the last king of Kauaʻi. She and the king helped establish the families as a mission station and supported and protected them. Not long after, due to inter-island rivalry, King Kaumualiʻi was abducted to Oʻahu. During this time, Queen Deborah converted to Christianity.
In 1836, Queen Deborah and sixteen other souls left Waimea and established a church at the mouth of the Wailua River. This church was the ancestor of this present Kapaʻa Church. It was a simple grass hut. Queen Deborah died in 1853.
Later the grass hut was replaced by a wooden frame building. In 1880, that building was dismantled and moved to the present site of the church in Kapaʻa. In 1948, it was taken down and replaced with the present building.